Magazine, newspaper articles, TV shows, books, etc.
Click on the title to read articles published by various media.
Bloodletting attracts daily patients in India
DELHI, India
(CNN) June 27, 1998-- Bloodletting is believed to be an ancient cure for a
variety of ailments and still finds its daily application in the streets of
Old Delhi. Hakim Mohammad Ghyas is one of the practitioners of this
arcane therapy and claims it can cure arthritis, lumbago and cancer.
and iron status
InFact Canada newsletter Fall 97 Are artificially fed infants at risk
for receiving too much iron from birth through supplementation and/or
fortification of baby milks and complementary foods?
Discarded blood could ease shortage
NEW YORK, Jan 18 (Reuters Health)
-- Using blood that is currently
discarded could help US blood banks avoid blood shortages, according to a New
York physician, Dr. Victor Herbert.
Treatment for Iron Overload Deferiprone should be used in patients
with thalassaemia and other patients with iron overload, who cannot receive
effective or sufficient deferoxamine therapy. Optimal Wellness Health News
Issue 166 August 13, 2000
Dutch, Finns Find Too Much Iron Bad For The Heart
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Researchers said Monday they had found more evidence
that a diet too rich in iron can cause heart disease in many people --
another reason to stay away from those juicy steaks. [no longer
available online.]
Iron Damages Blood Vessels
Optimal Wellness Center Issue
179 November 12, 2000 Dr. Joseph Mercola. Although iron is an essential
and important nutrient, excessive levels can cause significant harm. A new
study has shown that excess iron can cause damage to the endothelium, the
inner lining of blood vessels, boosting a person's chances of developing
hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and heart attack.
Excess Iron Throws Out Welcome Mat to Bacteria
Heart, liver, intestines may suffer from over-fortified diet 11/2/2001 News
By Serena Gordon
HealthScoutNews Reporter
FRIDAY, Nov. 2 (HealthScoutNews) -- Too much
iron in the diet could be making people more susceptible to intestinal
infections, claims a new study. And that puts into question whether U.S.
food makers need to fortify foods with iron, says one of the nutritionists who
conducted the research.
Cereals - - Too Much of a Good Thing?
By REUTERS July 11, 2001
Eating two bowls of cereal can be equivalent to taking two vitamins, a
spokesperson from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told Reuters
Health. ``You can easily take in several times the daily value just from
cereal alone,'' she said.
Q&A with Craig Petersen/Registered Dietitian:
"Too much
can be a problem though and there's probably a tendency in this country to
over supplement iron and we probably need to take a little closer look at
who we're giving iron to and why we're giving it to them." Craig does
not recommend iron supplements unless your iron intake is grossly inadequate
in iron and even then, he reminds you to do it only with a doctor's
Get out the
magnets! Total Cereal is the Breakfast of
Champions. It also supplies us with 100% of our daily requirement of
iron. Try this experiment & when you pull the magnet out, you will
see lots of little iron shavings attached to it.
Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Editor: George R Bowers MD
CDH Oncology January
2000 Volume 4: No. 1.
Hemochromatosis is a common, genetically transmitted disease. The
diagnosis of hemochromatosis is sometimes difficult and frequently missed.
This issue will review the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of this
fascinating disease. Ms. Kathy Fleming will review the management of a most
troubling complication of therapy---lymphedema.
Hemochromatosis: Web article, Medical Breakthroughs/First to Know,
Reported November 2001 By MICHELLE VAUGHAN, Ivanhoe Health
Correspondent. Interview with Sandra Thomas & Dr. Victor Herbert.
Blood bank issues discussed.
Hemochromatosis: Life Extension Foundation website.
Disease, Prevention & Treatment 3rd editon. Dietary & Vitamin
recommendations listed here including calcium for blocking of iron absorption.
High Iron
Intake Tied to Increased TB Risk in Zimbabwe
Health) - Elevated levels of dietary iron appear to be associated with an
increased risk of pulmonary tuberculosis in rural Africans, researchers report
in the October issue of The Journal of Infectious Diseases.
10/22/01 J Infect Dis
2001; 184:936-939.
High Iron May Mean Worsening Stroke
But U.S.
specialists say Spanish study is not the last word
By Adam Marcus HealthScout Reporter
April 24, 200 (HealthScout) -- High iron levels in the blood may be an
important factor in figuring out who will fare worse after a stroke.
Patients with very high iron levels were about 80 percent more likely to have
a type of brain damage that eroded still more after a stroke than those with
levels nearly half as great. The brains of the stroke victims with less iron
stabilized or grew better, according to a new study by Spanish researchers in
this month's Neurology.
exacerbates iron overload disease November 25, 1995 ATLANTA,
Georgia (CNN) -- Iron overload disease affects one of every 200 Americans, but
most people -- even doctors -- aren't even aware this potentially deadly
genetic condition exists.
- Irish in the
blood A newspaper article featuring Sandra Thomas with comments
by Dr. G. Block, March 2000, in the City Link Newspaper
- IRON: A Double Edged Sword,
by Adeena Robinson This is an excellent booklet written through
the personal suffering & experiences of the author. Many of you will
be able to relate to the story thatshe shares of her 12 yrs. of symptoms &
doctors, before her HH was finally diagnosed. She does a great job of
putting HH into a perspective that anyone can understand. Click here to
read more about this book & for ordering information.
Gene Mutation Increases Heart Attack Risk
Full Health
Nutrition Canada ArterialHealth e-News© December 1999 [located
about halfway down the page] Those with an abnormal iron gene faced a 52%
increased risk of heart attack with each 100 microgram increase in ferritin,
while the risk in those with normal iron genes varied little with ferritin
- Iron in the Orlando news:
ORLANDO, FL -- November 11, 1997 -- Further deepening a decade-old medical
controversy, Finnish researchers have linked the amount of iron in the body in
men to heart attacks. The new study, which uses more precise techniques than
earlier research, was reported today at the American Heart Association's 70th
Scientific Sessions.
By Carol Gentry 03/19/2001The Wall Street Journal. Comments by
Sandra Thomas & Dr. Felitti
Overload Disorder Common and Increases Risk for Heart Attacks
117 September 5, 1999 Optimal Wellness Health News Excerpt from Dr.
Mercola's comments: "The simple screening test to check for this problem is
the serum ferritin level. It should be below 80. If it is
significantly above 100, there is a high likelihood of
hemochromatosis. I screen all of our heart disease patients for this
and I probably see it on nearly ten percent of these patients."
Iron: 'Too Much Is A
by Joseph B. Verrengia [News Science Writer]
High levels of
iron, already considered to be a major risk factor in heart attacks, are being
implicated in the progression of AIDS, Lou Gehrig's disease and cancer.
"Iron will be the cholesterol of the 1990s," McCord predicts, ". . .most
people don't know their iron status."
- Iron—Too Much of a
Good Thing? Archived Articles: 12-04-2000
Steven Bratman, M.D. A new study suggests that too much
iron can cause problems of its own in pregnancy. An evaluation of 488
pregnant women found that very high levels of iron are also associated with
pre-term delivery and low-birthweight infants, as well as other
IRON WOMAN For 8 years, Shiryl Foster was wracked with a disease that can be
easily detected. By Gary Evans, Editor. This article was printed in the
The Thomasville Times Newspaper on page 1A on October 24, 1996 in Thomasville,
NC. (Shiryl Foster, RN is the same patient who was profiled in the
PREVENTION MAGAZINE article in 1997)
- Irritable
Bowel Syndrome & The Iron Connection
This booklet written by Dr. Leslie
Johnston, mentions a connection between
excess iron & IBS, Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome [CFS], Fibromyalgia [FM] &
many other symptoms and/or diagnoses.
People Get Too Much Not Too Little Iron
Optimal Wellness Center Issue 200 March 7, 2001 Dr. Joseph
Mercola. DR. MERCOLA'S COMMENT: I have warned about the dangers of
iron many times before in this newsletter. It is a potentially dangerous
supplement and it needs to be used very cautiously, especially in those with
an increased risk of heart disease.
- New Warnings About Too
Much Iron
Advanced Medical Nutrition, Inc NOTE: AMNI's Multiple Vitamin/Mineral
supplements (Basic Preventive and Added Protection III) have been available
with or without iron since 1984. Be sure to select the correct formula for
your individual needs.
Overdosed on
[12/14/1998] When it comes to the iron in your diet, too much of a good thing
can hurt you.
HARMFUL BOB SISSON, Columbian staff writer. It's the most
common genetic disorder in the United States, yet few people even know they
have it. And it can be deadly if not caught and treated soon enough. Comments
by Dr. Kris Kowdley.
Patents increasing costs
of blood test, researchers say
At issue are patents on the most common genetic mutations
linked to hereditary hemachromatosis or iron overload, a surprisingly common
and easily treatable disorder that can cause fatal damage to the heart and
liver. Newspaper article from The Mercury News in San Jose, Calif. quotes
David Snyder of AHS.
boost for blood supply
By Rita Rubin, USA TODAY 9-26-01 Blood from donors with hemochromatosis, a genetic
disorder treated by periodic bloodletting, could safely be used to boost the
nation's blood supply by as much as 3 million units a year, suggests a study
today in the Journal of the American Medical Association
by Shelly Morrow.
This article appeared in the Sept/Oct
2000 issue of Arthritis Today, published
by the Arthritis Foundation, Inc.,
Several Genetic Mutations May Cause Hemochromatosis WESTPORT,
Aug 30, 1999 (Reuters Health) While a gene responsible for hereditary
hemochromatosis (HFE) has been identified, results of a study in the September
2nd issue of The New England Journal of Medicine show that the
clinical condition can occur in those who do not have mutations in this gene.
Study aims to create consensus on iron overload test A Kaiser
Permanente unit and four other centers will split $30 million to assess who
needs to be screened for the common defect Wednesday, June 27, 2001. By
Oz Hopkins Koglin of The Oregonian staff. Comments by Sandra
Thomas, AHS.
rather not know" Some members of a family susceptible to a
treatable blood-iron disorder reject testing. Sunday, June 25, 2000
By Byron Spice, Science Editor, Post-Gazette
Third Wave's Invader(R) Operating System Chosen for Largest NIH-Sponsored
Genotyping Study, Third Wave and the
University of Minnesota to Collaborate on 100,000 Subject Genetic Study for
Hemochromatosis MADISON, Wis.
and MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 4, 2001/PRNewswire/
-- Third Wave Technologies, Inc. and the University of Minnesota, working
through Fairview University Medical Center, announced today that they have
entered into a collaboration using Third Wave's proprietary Invader operating
system to genotype at least 100,000 patient samples to validate the
association between mutations in the gene believed to be responsible for the
development of hemochromatosis, one of the most commonly inherited genetic
disorders. This is the largest genotyping study ever sponsored by the National
Institutes of Health (NIH). The University of Minnesota with John H. Eckfeldt,
M.D., Ph.D. as Principal Investigator is the Central Laboratory for this
Much Iron? Taking Iron Supplements Could be Detrimental Taking Iron
Supplements Could be Detrimental. Join the Discussion at
Much Iron Can Be A Bad Thing March
16, 1998 Millions of people take iron
supplements for a variety of health reasons. But, like a lot of good things
in life, researchers have discovered that too much can be dangerous. DEAN
much iron can be dangerous
By Andreas von Bubnoff Staff Writer
New University Newspaper. According to Gordon McLaren, this
hemochromatosis study is the first trial of large-scale genetic screening,
at least in adults. Thus, results of the study may also have an impact on
future legislation regulating genetic screening, he said. "The problem
is the disease is silent until something goes wrong," Gordon McLaren
said. "So you need to be checking people [for the disease] before they
have any problems."
Much Iron in Your Blood? Then donate a pint. Research shows a possible link between higher blood iron
levels and risk of heart disease. Some experts say it's another great reason
to give blood. By Michael Alvear WebMD Medical News
- Too
Much of a Good Thing by Bill Sardi From The June
2000 Issue of Nutrition Science News For those at risk for iron
overload, it may be wise to avoid iron in multivitamins and shun fortified
foods that provide more than 25 percent of the recommended daily intake for
iron. No doctor should prescribe iron tablets for patients who complain of
fatigue without blood tests and a thorough health history.
- Vital
Signs: Beyond the Glass A pathologist is often part detective. And
the evidence is often only small bits of tissue-and history DISCOVER Vol. 19 No.
9 (September 1998)
- When
the Body Absorbs Too Much Iron Hemochromatosis
May Be More Common Than Once Thought, and Tests May Need a Bit of
Tailoring By Michael Smith, MD, Oct 15, 2001 McLaren's research team
is looking for more volunteers to be checked for iron overload in order to
better determine exactly how common this disorder is. If you are interested
in enrolling in this study at the University of California, Irvine, call
(714) 456-2050.
Will Your Genes Prevent
You From Getting Health Insurance? St. Louis
University News Release October 13, 2000 "People may be reluctant to
take advantage of genetic tests that could save their lives," Dr. Bacon said.
"In hemochromatosis, for example, symptoms usually do not appear until between
40 and 60 years of age. By then, the patient may have already sustained
serious liver damage. Early detection is essential. No one should be afraid to
seek information to make educated choices regarding their health."
Books related to Hemochromatosis/Iron overload
[Most are available at]
- "Cooking with Less Iron" Forward by Dr. Richard
Passwater. Introduction by Dr. Mark Princell. "Cooking with Less Iron"
provides easy to prepare, old fashioned recipes and menus with tips on how
to absorb less iron from the diet
- The Iron Disorders Institute Guide to Hemochromatosis
by Cheryl D. Garrison (Editor), et al
- The Iron Counter by Annette B. Natow, et al
- The Iron Elephant : What You Should Know About the
Dangers of Excess Body Iron by Roberta Crawford, et al
- The Bronze Killer : New Edition
Marie Warder
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome & The
Iron Connection
This booklet written by Dr. Leslie Johnston, mentions a connection between
excess iron & IBS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [CFS], Fibromyalgia [FM]
& many other symptoms and/or diagnoses.
- IRON: A Double Edged Sword,
by Adeena Robinson
This is an excellent booklet written
through the personal suffering & experiences of the author. Many
of you will be able to relate to the story thatshe shares of her 12 yrs. of
symptoms & doctors, before her HH was finally diagnosed. She does
a great job of putting HH into a perspective that anyone can understand.
Click here to read more about this book & for ordering information.
to the "Munnsters" main Hemochromatosis page