This was in the Tulsa World - Dec 24, 1998 by Lauri Winslow
**Iron overload can be the underlying culprit behind health problems. by
Laurie Winslow Staff Writer
Up until about four years ago, when he was 49, Richard Wallace had never even
heard of hemochromatosis.
His body had not yet begun to show signs of iron overload, but a blood test
during a routine physical uncovered the excess iron lurking within. "Come to
find out it's probably something that was not diagnosed in my family.
My mother came from a family of 11. Of (my) seven uncles, almost everyone died
from some kind of liver cancer, heart attacks, throat cancer, things like that,"
said Wallace. "Looking back it looks like most of them had the problem, but it
was never diagnosed."
Iron overload disease is a potentially fatal but easily treatable hereditary
disorder in which the body absorbs too much iron. If undetected, iron overload
can be the underlying culprit behind a host of health problems, including
cirrhosis, liver cancer, diabetes, impotence and sterility, arthritis, chronic
fatigue, heart failure and ultimately premature death. About 1.5 million people
in the United States are affected by iron overload disease, which is primarily
caused by hereditary hemochromatosis.
"We have storage iron in the body, and we need it. Iron is an absolutely
necessary ingredient to our living. We think about it in terms of being one of
the building blocks for making the stuff in red cells, or hemoglobin, for
carrying oxygen," said Dr. Dan Plunke, seior associat dean for clinical affairs
with the University of Oklahoma Health Sciene Center in Tulsa.
With hemochromatosis, however, too much iron is absorbed by the body.
While most people absorb about 10 percent to 15 percent of the iron in food,
those with hemochromatosis reportedly absorb 75 percent or more of the iron in
their food.
Excessive iron deposits in the skin can cause people to look bronze-skinned or
sunburned. "It's probably under-diagnosed because like many genetic
conditions, there is a spectrum of severity." said Plunket. "The not-very-severe
cases might be missed unless the physician has the awareness to look for it."
Many people who have died from other chronic diseases may have actually suffered
from iron overload. Hemochromatosis is passed genetically from parents to
children, thereby causing some to believe that iron overload, not heart disease
or diabetes, may run in the family, according to literature.
A series of blood tests can help screen for the disease. An estimated one
out of every eight people is a single gene-carrier of the hemochromatosis
gene, while one in 200 people have the double gene.
The best way to get rid of excess iron and to stop, and in some cases reverse,
damage to the body is through phlebotomy, or blood-letting. Initially, blood is
removed weekly or biweekly until iron levels drop, then
three or four times a year to help keep iron levels in check.
Leslie Johnston, a local veterinarian, began a personal crusade of sorts to
educate people about the disorder after he was diagnosed with hemochromatosis
more that 20 years ago. He has blood removed as much as six to eight times a
Johnston has written about the topic, and some of his papers have been posted on
the World Wide Web, including a site for the American Hemochromatosis Society.
"I had gout symptoms and diabetic symptoms. I was tired, fatigued, sleepy, no
'get up and go,'" said Johnston.
He also exhibited arthritis symptoms. Initially, Johnston thought he had gout,
which is marked by painful inflammation of the joints due to abnormally high
uric acid levels in the blood.
A blood test and subsequent liver biopsy, however, confirmed he had excess iron
in his liver. With treatment, Johnston, who is 70, no longer experiences many of
the disease's attendant health problems, except for some arthritis, he said.
The disease is five to 10 times more frequently seen in men than women, said
Dr. Joe Nicholson III, and osteopathic physician in family practice with
Omni Medical Group. Iron overload, however, also affects both pre- and
post-menopausal women. Nearly 70 percent of patients will develop the first
signs of symptoms between
ages 40 and 60. The disease is rarely clinically evident before age 20,
Nicholson added.
The principal causes of death if left untreated include heart failure in 30
percent of patients, liver failure in 25 percent or liver cancer in 30 percent,
Nicholson said.
"The importance of early screening and early therapy can't be stressed too
strongly," said Nicholson. "Even with good therapy and the removal of the excess
of iron, some patients are still stuck with the low libido and painful joints."
For more information about hemochromatosis, visit Web sites for the American
Hemochromatosis Society ( or the Iron Overload
Diseases Association (
Lauri Winslow can be reached at 918-5818466