Blood Bank Might Save You From Our #1 Genetic Killer
Phyllis Stewart, Editor, The Independent Community Post
Bonita/Chula Vista, California, USA
appeared in The Independent Community Post, August 1998,
are you've never heard of the US's most common fatal genetic disorder,
hereditary hemochromatosis (HH). Unfortunately, chances are your physician
hasn't heard of it either or is far behind the latest science. Most physicians
will never diagnosis a case of hemochromatosis, but statistically they will see
one unrecognized case in their office every ten working days.
with HH absorb much more iron from foods (mainly from meat) in their small
intestines than do unaffected persons. Like all metals, iron cannot be excreted
by the body. It will be deposited in any handy place and stay there until the
body needs it.
many suffer from it? Statistics say that one person out of every 250 in the
United States. That means that in California there are about 130,000 who are at
serious risk each day they are not diagnosed. There are 700 in the city limits
of Chula Vista alone.
In Ireland, the rate is much higher — one in
four carries the single damaged gene and one in 64 carry the double damaged
gene for HH.
believe that the genetic damage on the short arm of chromosome 6 (called HFE)
originated in Ireland or the British Isles long ago. The genetic change to
absorb more iron was useful as those afflicted would be better able to survive
famines or long periods of meat-poor diets.
rate of occurrence is highest among persons of Northern European heritage. The
rate for Filipinos is the same as for the Northern Europeans. It is felt that
Africa has iron overloading of a different cause. Little is known about
mainland Orientals.
Both Australia and South Africa have high
incidences of hereditary hemochromatosis due to the "founder effect."
One or more of the small band of original European settlers had the genetic
defect and it continues in their many descendents today.
have a greater difficulty with hemochromatosis in early adult life than women
do. Women who menstruate must call upon iron reserves to replenish the blood
supply in the body, so their conditions can be somewhat self-regulating, except
before menarche and after menopause. It is thought that HH helps women during
pregnancy. Many HH-affected women have reported significant problems after
taking prescribed prenatal vitamins with high iron content. Physicians should
never prescribe iron supplements until blood screenings have ruled out
hereditary hemochromatosis.
the time an affected man is in his twenties, the levels of iron in his blood
will begin to show higher levels of iron than normal. Left untreated the iron
depositing continues, peppering the thyroid, pancreas, heart, joints, skin and
particularly the liver. It is believed by researchers who have studied affected
twins that exactly where the iron is deposited is predetermined by DNA
patterns. Some persons are so overloaded with iron that they literally set off
metal detectors at airports.
men with hemochromatosis the rate of thyroid disorders is eighty times that of
normal men. It is estimated that one case of diabetes in ten is due directly as
a result of hemochromatosis.
affected children have a very rapidly progressing form of the disease. Those
with this form most often die in their twenties of heart or liver failure.
Inexpensive Diagnosis
US Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta has recommended that every
person be tested for iron overload at least once by age 18. Children of
affected or carrier adults should be checked by the age of 3 years. All persons
diagnosed with diabetes, liver disease, cancer, arthritis, impotence, chronic
fatigue and early heart disease should be tested.
blood tests are quite simple and usually cost about $50. Any competent lab can
perform them. The necessary tests are serum iron, TIBC (total iron binding
capacity), percent of iron saturation (dividing the serum iron result by the
TIBC result), and serum ferritin. This series is called an "iron
profile." The danger zone is a percent of saturation over 45% and a serum
ferritin over 150 ng/ml. The test can be repeated in a few months to ensure
that there was no underlying fever or inflammatory disease to skew results.
a patient is overloaded with iron they should be given a genetic test. The test
can be conducted on blood or from cheek swabbings with a special brush. The
cost of the test runs from $125 to $175 for the first family member, an
exceptionally low cost for a genetic test. Eighty-five percent of the persons
with hemochromatosis have the identifiable form of (HFE mutation) genetic
damage. Even if a person's genetic test is negative, if they are overloaded,
they should also be treated for the disorder. Once one person is identified,
every blood relative should also be immediately tested. Children and siblings
of HH patients must be tested every five years. The HH community has a saying,
"Find us one and we'll save a family."
Inexpensive Treatment
the most shocking aspect of HH is the treatment. Technically it is called a
phlebotomy. In the Middle Ages they called it "blood-letting." It's
true. Given the time frame and undoubted very high incidence of HH, those
barber-surgeons who bled their patients regularly were probably saving their
lives. There is an iron chelating drug, desferal, which is used for very small
children and those with anemia (yes, it's more than possible). Removing blood artificially or
through menstruation, gastrointestinal tract bleeding or any other cause will
removing the iron stored in the tissues of the body by calling the mineral to
help make more blood.
is a very simple mechanical solution. Rather than report to the corner barber,
there is a much more pleasant (not to mention, much more sanitary) place where
they can take your blood… the local blood bank. Your physician writes a
prescription for the course of therapy and the folks at the blood bank take
your blood. According to Tony Melaragno,MD, the director San Diego Blood Bank,
the cost per treatment is $57, but they cannot use the blood for donations so
the blood is thrown out. It is important to note that there is nothing whatever
wrong with the blood of a person with HH. HH is not a disease. But, according
to current regulations the blood would have to be labeled as coming from a
diseased person. Very few patients would be comforted by that label on the bag
hanging above them. Sweden has used HH blood for the past 30 years with no
problems and it is hoped that the US will soon stop wasting this resource.
usual practice is to phlebotomize one pint once or twice a week until the level
is reduced to below normal levels (usually a ferritin level of no more than 50).
When iron stores are sufficiently depleted, a schedule of once a month or so
will keep any further damage from occurring. Obviously, it is in the patient's
best interest to be "de-ironed" as quickly as possible and before further or any damage occurs. Elevated iron levels are the indicator for
phlebotomy treatments, not symptoms.
it is thought that HH patients are why some treatments work and, conversely why
some diseases are identified with certain risk factors. Give an aspirin a day
to many and they will bleed unnoticeably into their intestinal tract. This slow
blood loss helps de-iron the patient. Why don't younger women get heart
disease? Doctors assume that estrogen is the protection. Could it be the
monthly "phlebotomies"? Jerome Sullivan, MD believes that scientists
blundered when they stated that high cholesterol caused heart attacks. As
explained in an article which originally appeared in the Sunday Herald-Sun (Melbourne, Australia, 1996), his theory is that
"iron may react very strongly with oxygen, producing a highly reactive
molecule called a hydroxyl radical as a by-product." Since there has been
no definitive link drawn between cholesterol levels and heart disease, his
theory is being looked at seriously.
recent popularity of chromium picolinate for "fat burning" and help
for diabetics may have a solid foundation in fact. Chromium competes with iron
for "storage space" in the cells. There are many examples of ways
that our precepts about the cause of diseases need to be re-examined in the
light of the evidence from the world's leading experts in this field.
Human Cost
spending some weeks as a member of the iron-list e-mail group on the Internet,
it soon was apparent that the cost of missed diagnoses is literally
incalculable. Most patients consider themselves lucky that they were diagnosed
before autopsy. Physicians who have not kept up with the science of HH are a
particular problem.
A registered nurse wrote, "This ignorance
cost my dad his life! He died in 1991 from an acute MI (heart attack) caused by
undiagnosed and untreated HH. He was the textbook case with adult onset
diabetes, impotence, heart disease, male 40 to 60 years old and was he ever
bronzed! I am still amazed that he was missed! Guess my HORROR when I requested
his old medical records and found that his serum iron level was high on two
separate occasions in 1989. Instead of recognizing the importance of these
elevated iron levels the docs failed to save my dad and six others were left
unchecked and went on to suffer permanent damage for eight more years!"
unaware of HH and its effects often accuse patients with cirrhosis as being
alcoholics. One Canadian man wrote, "I had specialists telling me that I
was an alcoholic as that could be the only reason for the test results derived
from an examination of my liver." This type of problem happens frequently
and adds tremendously to the burden of patients. If you are not satisfied with
you physician's willingness to learn more about HH, the best way to find one
who specializes is to call your local blood bank and ask which doctor is
prescribing phlebotomies for HH patients. Although people, and doctors, assume
that this is a disorder hematologists should treat — and some do — it is
actually properly in the field of endocrinology.
Financial Cost
well as the human cost, there is a staggering dollar cost for the consequence
of HH. Vincent Felitti, MD of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Southern
California Permanente Medical Group, initiated the nation's first-ever mass
screening for hereditary hemochromatosis. He is the moving force behind
Kaiser's ground-breaking move. Begun in 1996 Kaiser patients having blood drawn
will be given an additional once in a lifetime screening test for serum iron
saturation levels. Based on that report, further testing can be done. Dr.
Felitti is joining with Dr. Ernest Beutler of the Scripps Research Institute in
La Jolla, and one of the world's leading experts on hemochromatosis, to test
60,000 people in their San Diego area. They are trying to find out how the
genetic mutation works and to what extent the genetic test will be more useful
than biochemical testing.
is the cost? Dr. Felitti responds, "The raw marginal processing cost for
the test is about $2, but that doesn't include the cost of collection, the cost
of any associated medical visit, etc. Our cost of finding a case, given our
penchant for doing this on a mass screening basis while doing other things
(rather than as a stand-alone test), is about $1,100 per case found. As things
go, that's very cheap. The testing has been going on since 1995. Since early
1997 it has been routine on 50,000 adults per year."
Felitti says that the lifetime cost of an undiagnosed
case to Kaiser is an average $48,000. It is obvious that Kaiser sees the
economic benefit to mass testing. He estimates that probably 30,000 homozygous
cases exist nationwide within Kaiser, but fewer than 1,000 have been diagnosed.
believe those old claims of "iron-poor blood." If you are not certain
of your HH status, you could be taking poison for the damage it will do you.
Unless you know for certain that you do not have hereditary hemochromatosis, do
not take any vitamin supplements containing iron or high doses of vitamin C.
Vitamin C, particularly the popular self-dosings of 1,000 mg or more, can
increase iron uptake by up to 50%. People need the normal dose of vitamin C,
but no more than the recommended daily allowance. Your vitamin C should come
from your food, not a pill. Interestingly, heterozygotes (who only carry one
damaged gene) rarely have symptoms unless they take large doses of vitamin C.
It is important that you not "pop
a few thousand" when you think you're getting a cold.
is generally recommended that HH patients stay away from raw shellfish. The
germ Vibrio Vulnificus, often found
in shellfish, can be particularly harmful to persons with high iron levels.
we think of Popeye's spinach as containing wonderful stores of iron, the body
uses plant iron very inefficiently, even those with HH. Neither is iron in
water or ice absorbed well. The high-quality protein in red meat however,
should be decreased.
Can You Do?
next time you visit your physician, ask if your records show that you have had
an iron panel performed in the past. If not, request that a test be performed.
If you have diabetes, cancer, liver trouble or any of the other symptoms of
disorders HH can cause, you need to be tested as soon as possible to help
prevent further possible damage if it has been caused by HH. Many physicians
and their patients tend to treat the diabetes, the cardiac or the liver
problems of a patient, but never put the pieces together in a holistic way to
determine the cause and stop the damage.
people are afraid that insurance companies will drop or increase the premiums
of an HH patient. None of the physicians I spoke with had ever heard of even
one patient to whom that had happened. If you want to make sure that the
information is kept private, ask your doctor to allow you to pay for the
screening test and genetic tests, if needed, yourself and take the results home
with you.
at your family history. If there is a history of death from heart disease at a
young age not due to the usual obvious risk factors, if many in your family
have had diseases which can be attributable to iron overloading, you owe it to
yourself, your family, and the future generations to be tested for this
condition now. Remember, the ideal is to find cases before damage is done.
Otherwise, hereditary hemochromatosis is a 100% fatal disorder.
devastating genetic disorder — the number-one genetic killer in the world is so
common that 11 percent, one person in nine, has the damaged recessive gene. In
the US more than 32 million Americans carry the single gene for
hemochromatosis. Worldwide more than 24 million people are thought to carry the
double genes (homozygotes) and 600 million carry the single gene (heterozygote)
as "silent carriers."
common that in the US one marriage in 64 is a union of two heterozygotes of
this flawed gene. Of the four children of this couple, statistically one child
will not inherit either damaged gene, one child will inherit both damaged genes
and two children will carry one of the damaged genes to pass on silently to
their children.
Chula Vista the statistics say that nearly 700 people have the deadly double
recessive gene combination. Scientists know that probably a million and a half
persons in the United States, one in every 250 persons, have the double gene
combination which will wreak havoc on their bodies and cause early death if not
identified and treated in time.
Chronic fatigue/weakness
Impotence, loss of libido
Premature menopause
Testicular failure.
Diabetes, Types I and II
Enlarged heart
Slow heart beat
Congestive heart failure
Bronzing of the skin (a bronze, slate or gray
Lowers threshold for viral hepatitis and
alcoholic cirrhosis.
Hepatoma (liver cancer)
Arthritis, arthralgias
for Patients
Crawford, R., "The Iron Elephant,"
Glyndon MD: Vida Press, 1992.
American Hemochromatosis Society web page:
Iron Overload Diseases Association, 433 Westwind
Drive, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-5123, Hemochromatosis Hotline: 1-561-653-7543
for Physicians
"Hereditary hemochromatosis gene discovery
and its implications for population-based screening", Journal of the American Medical Association, July 08, 1998
JAMA Abstracts - July 8, 1998, "Hereditary
Hemochromatosis Gene Discovery and Its Implications for Population-Based
Screening" AMA. 1998; 280:172-178
JAMA web site, "Tests Used to Assess Iron
Status,HTTP: rr4703d.htm"target = _top special newsline
"Hemochromatosis, The Disease of Iron
Overload," VHS videotape, available at Southern California Permanente
Medical Group
Crawford, R., "The Iron Elephant,"
Glyndon MD: Vida Press, 1992.
CDC Guidelines for Hemochromatosis: