[Note: Music
will play for 1 loop, then turn off.]
Now, let me make it clear.............."camping" to us is NOT a tent & a sleeping bag. SORRY to disappoint you, but I am not a "roughing it" kind of camper! I prefer a the comforts of a a fridge, A/C, heater, etc! And I take everything with me that I might ever need! Ask my husband! He always threatens to unload at least half of what I pack!
We started camping about 16 yrs. ago when our family grew to 4 children. The expense of motels & feeding all of 6 of us was just too much & campsites are not only less expensive, but the food bill usually isn't any more than if we were at home. We also found it to be something for us to enjoy doing together as a family. We take our bikes & go riding, hiking, swimming, fishing & sightseeing. And the bottom line for me, is that I get to sleep in MY bed, with MY sheets & know that they are clean, so even if given the choice, I'll still choose my camper over a motel! At this time of our life, we have only 1 teenager still at home, so most of the time, there are just the 2 or 3 of us camping. Occasionally, the 3 that have left the nest [who have now multiplied to 10] will go with us. The grandkids really enjoy going camping!
We recently bought a 2000 Landau motor home. Over the years, we have had bumper pulls & fifth wheels but never a motor home. We just bought it last fall so haven't had much time in it to decide if we really like the camper "on wheels" deal yet, but I think it will fit our new "middle age" lifestyle! I told our kids that you can tell your age when you buy a motor home & a chihuahua! Most of the time, it is just the 2 of us going somewhere but there's still plenty of room to take along the grandkids too, when we want to.
We especially enjoy the state & national
parks, as we love the beauty & peacefulness that is generally
found in these areas. Many of them also offer FREE educational
opportunities for the children & adults alike! Some are
historically important to our country & we have been able to
tour many historic landmarks in our camping adventures.
We would love to hear from fellow campers, old
& young alike! We also plan to develop a list of favorite
campgrounds, and would like to hear about the places that your
family would recommend staying at! Send us the address and/or
website of your favorite campgrounds.
Here are some of our favorite places that we have been:
Other campgrounds to check out:
Email us your favorite campgrounds & locations. If they have a webpage, please include the link!
Misc. camping related sites:
with David Sweet: Your Guide to one of hundreds of sites.Harry's Notebook A Collection of RV Links
Ohio Festivals, Fairs and Events listed by month.
Williamsburg Online - Williamsburg Camping Guide - Williamsburg, VA
Yahoo! Directory of campgrounds in the U.S.
Campers Corner: Camping and RV tips, recipes, articles and resources
Places to buy &/or sell RVs, manufacturers:
Best Buy RVs Richmond, Ind.
Couch's Campers Hamilton, Ohio
Farber East Motorhomes & RV's - Columbus, Ohio
Holman Motors, Inc. - "Where Fun Begins!" Batavia, Ohio
McNulty Motors and RV's- The One you want in stock! Englewood, Ohio
Welcome to Pat's Coleman Campers! Dayton, Ohio
RV America - The Home of the RV Industry on the Internet.
RV Trader Online - Recreational Vehicle Classifieds
Sherry Motor Homes & Travel Trailers Online Piqua, Ohio
Summit RV Sales Ashland, Ky.
Tom Raper RV's - America's #1 Dealer, Richmond, Ind.
Trail-lite super lightweight RV
Walnut Ridge Family RV Sales, New Castle, Ind.
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