Excess iron affects the ENDOCRINE system in many ways. All HH patients should have a complete endocrine evaluation at diagnosis.
Hypothyroidism, always feeling cold, hair loss or early graying, fatigue, psychological disorders, depression, confusion, memory loss are some of the symptoms which may be associated with iron overload in these glands.
In the first section are links to thyroid/parathyroid dsyfunction & HH. In the second half are links which are specific to pituitary dysfunction & HH.
Some studies indicate that an HH patient has an 80x greater risk of developing
thryoid problems
Amyloid goiter in a case of systemic amyloidosis secondary to ankylosing
J Endocrinol Invest. 2000 Dec
Infiltrative diseases of the thyroid include systemic
sclerosis, hemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, chondrocalcinosis and amyloidosis.
Change in the thyroid function by use of deferoxamine in a patient with hemochromatosis complicated by hyperthyroidism. J Med. 1992 We report on a 74-year-old female patient with primary hemochromatosis complicated by hyperthyroidism. The serum ferritin level was reduced throughout a 217 day administration of deferoxamine (1 g/day). At the same time, the thyroid gland was changed from hyper- to hypo- functional proportionally.
Clinico-morphologic characteristics of primary hemochromatosis
Arkh Patol. 1995 Nov-Dec 12 autopsy cases of primary
hemochromatosis were studied
Correlation between the depth of inverted T waves and the serum level of ferritin in a deferoxamine-treated patient with primary hemochromatosis and hyperthyroidism. Jpn J Med. 1989 Mar-Apr There seemed to be a correlation between the depth of inverted T waves and the serum level of ferritin.
Elevated parathyroid hormone 44-68 and osteoarticular changes in patients with genetic hemochromatosis Arthritis Rheum 1999 Apr Liver iron overload syndromes, especially genetic hemochromatosis, are associated with elevated circulating levels of PTH fragments containing the 44-68 region, which appears to play a role in osteoarticular changes. This increase seems to be a consequence of iron overload.
Hemochromatosis: genetics helps to define a
multifactorial disease
Clin Genet, 54(1):1-9 1998 Jul University of Washington, Seattle 98105 wburke@u.washington.edu
Early detection is desirable, because periodic phlebotomy provides effective
treatment for iron overload and may prevent complications of the disorder.
Hemochromatosis: Life Extension Foundation website. Disease, Prevention & Treatment 3rd editon. Dietary & Vitamin recommendations listed here including calcium for blocking of iron absorption.
Hereditary Hemochromatosis FamilyPractice.com
Robert B. Hash, MD,
Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism in an 11 year old boy with hemochromatosis secondary to aplastic anemia. Acta Paediatr Jpn. 1995 Aug This is the first reported case, to our knowledge, of hypoparathyroidism and hypothyroidism due to secondary hemochromatosis with onset during childhood. The patient was a boy with refractory aplastic anemia in whom primary hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism became apparent at the age of 10 and 11 years old, respectively.
Hypothyroidism and Iron Levels: Anemia and Hemachromatosis
by Mary Shomon Conditions related to iron levels in the
blood are more common with hypothyroidism than in the average population,
according to researchers.
MR imaging of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2000 Feb MR
imaging also has been used for the investigation of congenital disorders of the
thyroid gland and the evaluation of diffuse thyroid disease, such as Grave's
disease, Hashimoto's and Riedel thyroiditis, and hemochromatosis
MR imaging of thyroid hemochromatosis.
J Comput
Assist Tomogr. 1988 Jul-Aug We present the magnetic
resonance (MR) images of exogenous hemochromatosis in the thyroid gland. On both
T1-weighted images and T2-weighted images the thyroid showed low intensity
similar to that of the background. Magnetic resonance is of value in imaging the
tissue deposition of iron. In assessing thyroid iron accumulation, MR is
superior to CT because CT can not differentiate iron deposition from normal
iodine concentration.
Overview of Thyroid Disorders New York Thyroid Center Home
Thyroid disease in hemochromatosis. Increased incidence in homozygous men.
Arch Intern Med. 1983 Oct
Iron may have caused injury to the thyroid, followed by the development of
antithyroid antibodies and hypothyroidism. The frequency of thyroid disorders in
men with hemochromatosis is about 80 times that of men in the general
much iron can hurt joints, body organs
The Albuquerque Tribune.
By John Crowe
The Associated
Press 1/11/00
YOUR THYROID from EndocrineWeb.com
Common Tests to Examine Thyroid Gland Function
How Your Thyroid Works "A
delicate Feedback Mechanism"
Click on this link to read about HH. Discussion of a liver biopsy is also here: