Pros & Cons for routine population screening, newborn testing, etc.
Since HH is so easily treated & the outcome is best with an early diagnosis, why are we still not doing routine testing for it? Routine screening, beginning with all newborns, along with implementation of preventative measures, are desperately needed for this condition! Insurance companies would surely find it more cost-effective to include an iron profile in their screening programs & treat iron overload in the early stages as opposed to a later diagnosis.
[It is obvious that I am totally FOR routine screening for HH, but you will also find links here that represent the argument against it, so that you may form your own opinion.]Click on the title to read more on this topic.
A 24-year-old patient with decreased libido and erectile dysfunction as initial manifestations of hemochromatosis Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2000 Dec 1: In subfertility from an endocrine disorder primary hemochromatosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Only early diagnosis and prompt iron depletion may improve the prognosis of these patients.
ABC of diseases of liver, pancreas, and biliary system Other causes of parenchymal liver disease BMJ 2001;322:290-292 ( 3 February ) Haemochromatosis is the commonest inherited liver disease in the United Kingdom. It affects about 1 in 200 of the population and is 10 times more common than cystic fibrosis.
A high prevalence of HLA-H 845A mutations in hemochromatosis patients and the normal population in eastern England. Blood Cells Mol Dis 1997 Aug; We found a gene frequency in 200 normal subjects for teh 845A (C282Y) allele of 0.085, corresponding to a carrier frequency of 17% which is among the highest reported anywhere in the world. This population will be an excellent model for studies on the penetrance of the 845A homozygous genotype and population screening.
A history of phlebotomy therapy for hemochromatosis. Crosby WH. Chapman Cancer Center, Joplin, MO Am J Med Sci 1991 Jan The earlier the disease is discovered, the less risk of morbidity and mortality. Screening tests (serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, serum ferritin) are recommended for all blood relatives of index cases of this hereditary disease and for all clinics where complications of hemochromatosis may be treated: liver disorder however mild, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, arthropathies, sterility, impotence, premature menopause, and abnormal pigmentation of the skin.
of Internal Medicine
Diagnosis of Hemochromatosis, Annals of Internal Medicine, 1 December
1998. 129:925-931.Lawrie W. Powell, MD; D. Keith George, MD; Sharon M.
McDonnell, MD; and Kris V. Kowdley, MD
to your questions about hereditary hemochromatosis
from The College
of American Pathologists (CAP) Dec 18, 2001
A population based study of the clinical expression of the clinical expression of the Hemochromatosis gene NEJM Sept 1999 Our findings have implications for population screening for hereditary hemochromatosis.
Association of mutations in the hemochromatosis gene with shorter life
Arch Intern Med. 2001 Nov 12
In a high-carrier frequency population like Denmark,
mutations in HFE show an age-related reduction in the frequency of
heterozygotes for C282Y, which suggests that carrier status is associated
with shorter life expectancy.
hemochromatosis subjects: genotypic and phenotypic profiles
Blood, 1 December 2000, Vol. 96, No. 12, pp. 3707-3711; Ronald L.
liver profile in hemochromatosis. A survey of 100 patients.
J Clin Gastroenterol 1991 Jun; We find that mild abnormalities in the
biochemical liver profile are common in hemochromatosis and suggest that
patients with an unexplained abnormality in the liver profile should be screened
for hemochromatosis with a serum ferritin and transferrin saturation.
and diagnosis of iron overload
Haematologica 1998 May The recent description of new conditions
associated with iron overload and the identification of the genetic defect
of hereditary hemochromatosis prompted us to review this subject and to
redefine the diagnostic criteria of iron overload disorders.
and genetic aspects of hereditary hemochromatosis,
Pathologe 2001 May.
As laboratory parameters for measuring HH lack specificity, and HH remains
asymptomatic for a long time, methods for genetic screening are highly valuable.
Clinical aspects of hemochromatosis. Transfus Sci. 2000 Dec Brissot P, Guyader D, Loreal O, Laine F, Guillygomarc'h A, Moirand R, Deugnier Y. The diagnosis can, from now on, be ascertained on the sole association of a plasma transferrin saturation (TS) over 45% and homozygosity for the C282Y mutation. Liver biopsy is only required to search for cirrhosis whenever there is hepatomegaly and/or serum ferritin >1000 ng/ml and/or elevated serum AST.
Clinical Consequences of New Insights in the Pathophysiology of Disorders of Iron and Heme Metabolism Hematology 2000 The American Society of Hematology The screening strategy could be based on the assessment of serum transferrin saturation in adults aged 18 or more. Genetic testing testing for C282Y would be confined to individuals with transferrin saturation > 45%. This strategy would then avoid the ethical, logistical, and financial problems raised by systematic genetic testing as well as the societal impact of discovering a genetic mutation in asymptomatic persons without a disease. It is, in fact, essential that major changes occur in the attitudes towards unexpressed or slightly expressed HFE homozygosity, especially by insurers and health care administrators, to avoid any adverse genetic discrimination.
Clinical experience with early hemochromatosis Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 1994 Jun [Article in Norwegian] We conclude that fasting serum-iron and transferrin should be determined in all subjects over 40 years of age and in patients with chronic elevation of liver enzymes
Clinical management of iron overload.
Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 1998 Sep HHC is a common
inherited disorder, characterized by iron accumulation in the liver, heart,
pancreas, and other organs. The clinical consequences of systemic iron
loading are diverse and not always improved with iron reduction therapy.
Elevated Hepatic Iron Index and End-stage Liver Disease
Hemochromatosis Gene Mutations in Chronic HCV Patients
Heterogeneity of Hemochromatosis in Italy
HFE Gene Expression
HFE Gene Mutations in Chronic Viral Hepatitis Patients
HFE Genotyping
Phenotypic Expression of HFE Mutations
Population screening
Screening for Hemochromatosis
Click on this link to read about HH. Discussion of a liver biopsy is also