If you have a story or a website that you would like to
share, please email me & let me know! It is helpful to others to be able
to read the stories of people with HH.
Special American Liver Foundation newsletter, ALF Progress,
Vol. 21 No. 1, Summer 1999 The ALF newsletter created three scenarios based on
the real life ethical, economic and medical quandaries posed by hemochromatosis,
and asked three experts from divergent fields to respond with their opinions.
The experts are: Bruce R. Bacon, MD [Director, Div. of Gastroenterology &
Hepatology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, M0]; medical
ethicist Mark A. Rothstein, Esq. [Director, University of Houston Law Center,
Health Law & Policy Institute, Houston, TX] and hemachromatosis patient
Gayle Hoffman.
IRON WOMAN For 8 years, Shiryl Foster was wracked with a disease that can be
easily detected. By Gary Evans, Editor. This article was printed in the
The Thomasville Times Newspaper on page 1A on October 24, 1996 in Thomasville,
NC. (Shiryl Foster, RN is the same patient who was profiled in the
PREVENTION MAGAZINE article in 1997)
Bowel Syndrome & The Iron Connection
This booklet written by Dr. Leslie
Johnston, mentions a connection between
excess iron & IBS, Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome [CFS], Fibromyalgia [FM] &
many other symptoms and/or diagnoses.
Texas Dazzler's homepage
Read the story of Michelle, who has suffered from a late diagnosis of HH,
resulting in liver damage & being placed on a liver transplant list.
rather not know"Some members of a family susceptible to a
treatable blood-iron disorder reject testing.Sunday, June 25, 2000
By Byron Spice, Science Editor, Post-Gazette
Warding off illness
Tucson Citizen, January 27, 1998 Ronald Fair has learned to live with the
side effects of a blood disorder that was once underdiagnosed. By PATTY MACHELOR
citizen Staff writer