I'll jump in on the commenting on your iron profile.
First, your results look pretty good and don't seem to
indicate that you have hemochromatosis. If you are
having many symptoms common to HH, then the genetic
testing will tell you if you do have the genes that
will predispose you to having iron related problems.
The drop in ferritin from 120 to 72 is possible
without losing blood (the four vials would not be
enough to make an impact). Ferritin is what is called
an "Acute Phase Reactant", as are several other
proteins. They can fluctuate up and down in response
to inflammation. Now that is not necessarily a bad
thing. Inflammation is part of our body's natural
defense mechanism. The fluctuation you saw is
probably related to your response to a decrease in
inflammation (in general, often can't tell where the
inflammatory response is, or even be aware of it).
The serum iron looks good, even though it is in the
upper part of the reference range. Serum iron levels
may fluctuate due to the contents of a recent meal.
Fasting samples can eliminate that variable. The
serum iron is used in the calculation of the % sat.
(Serum iron/TIBC) X 100
The TIBC is an indirect measure of transferrin, the
protein that transports iron around in the blood. It
is often an indicator of what the body thinks as to
its iron stores. When iron stores are low, the TIBC
will be elevated. When iron stores are high, as in
HH, the TIBC will be low. This is the main factor
(the low TIBC) that leads to high % saturations seen
in HH. Your TIBC was normal, but in the upper part of
the reference range, so it tells me that you are
probably not loaded with excess iron (just like the
ferritin is indicating).
Looking at ALL of YOUR results, I would not be too
concerned with a 41% saturation. Now if someone has
a higher ferritin and lower TIBC with a 41% sat, it is
possible it might cause some symptoms, but I would
consider it borderline in that case, again, I think
yours is fine.