Ceruloplasmin is an interesting molecule, as far as
its function goes.
First let me say something about reference ranges
(normal ranges).  Reference ranges are usually derived
from measuring a particular test on a sampling of
normal people (~100)(no known disease that would
influence test results).  The ref. range is then based
on the Mean (average) plus or minus 2 standard
deviations. The range will encompass 95% of healthy
individuals.  The bottom line is: 5 % of the people
who have a particular test run will be slightly above
or slightly below the ref. range, and that is "normal"
for them.  (I wonder if serum ferritin normals might
be a little on the high side due to "healthy" people
being included in establishing the reference ranges
when in fact their ferritins may have been a little
due to HH).  Your ceruloplasmin is slightly high,
Annie, but all test results should be compared to
the normal range with the understanding of what
"normal" is.  Back to ceruloplasmin.
        A. Synthesized in the liver
        B. An "Acute Phase Reactant"(APR): Several
proteins are APRs and represent part of the body's
response to infection, inflammation, surgery,
trauma, tissue necrosis.  APRs can increase a little
or a lot when the stimulus appears.  If on APR is
increased for the general conditions stated, then
others will generally be elevated as well.  CRP and  
            Sed Rates are commonly ordered lab tests
to see if something is going on that would cause an
increase in APRs. If they are normal, then the
increase in
the APR may be related to its specific physiologic
Interestingly enough, ferritin is also an APR.
Ceruloplasmin is an APR.
        C. Binds six-eight copper
molecules/ceruloplasmin molecule
        D. ceruloplasmin has enzymatic activity
(oxidase).  Aids in the mobilization of iron from
storage sites(oxidizes iron ferrous to ferric
to aid in its release from ferritin and attachment to
        E. May be increased due to estrogen therapy,
oral contraceptives, pregnancy, copper intoxication, a
variety of medications, all the reasons listed above
under acute phase reactants.
        F. Reference ranges: females slightly higher
than males. The mean of the range you listed was 33.
Orientals have a mean of 21; Caucasians a mean of
29(in the study I looked at); American Indians a mean
of 38.  Point is, there can be an ethnic influence on
ceruloplasmin ranges.
Hope this helped, probably to wordy.
