Appendix 11
  Hemoglobin Hematacrit Red Cell Count
  (g/dl) (%) (1013/L)
Age Mean 2 SD Mean 2 SD Mean 2 SD
Birth (cord blood) 16.5 13.5 51 42 4.7 3.9
1 to 3 days (capillary) 18.5 14.5 56 45 5.3 4.0
1 week 17.5 13.5 54 42 5.1 3.9
2 weeks 16.5 12.5 51 39 4.9 3.6
1 month 14.0 10.0 43 31 4.2 3.0
2 months 11.5 9.0 35 28 3.8 2.7
3 to 6 months 11.5 9.5 35 29 3.8 3.1
0.5 to 2 years 12.0 10.5 36 33 4.5 3.7
2 to 6 years 12.5 11.5 37 34 4.6 3.9
6 to 12 years 13.5 11.5 40 35 4.6 4.0
12 to 18 years  
Female 14.0 12.0 41 36 4.6 4.1
Male 14.5 13.0 43 37 4.9 4.5
18 to 49 years  
Female 14.0 12.0 41 36 4.6 4.0
Male 15.5 13.5 47 41 5.2 4.5
Appendix 11
  (IL) (pg) (g/dl)
Age Mean 2 SD Mean 2 SD Mean 2 SD
Birth (cord blood) 108 95 34 31 33 30
1 to 3 days (capillary) 108 95 34 31 33 29
1 week 107 88 34 28 33 28
2 weeks 105 86 34 28 33 28
1 month 104 85 34 28 33 29
2 months 96 77 30 26 33 29
3 to 6 months 91 74 30 25 33 30
0.5 to 2 years 78 70 27 23 33 30
2 to 6 years 81 75 27 24 34 31
6 to 12 years 86 77 29 25 34 31
12 to 18 years  
Female 90 78 30 25 34 31
Male 88 78 30 25 34 31
18 to 49 years  
Female 90 80 30 26 34 31
Male 90 80 30 26 34 31
* These data have been compiled from several sources. Emphasis is given to studies employing electronic counters and to the selection of populations that are likely to exclude individuals with iron deficiency. The mean 2 SD can be expected to include 95% of the observations in a normal population.
>From Daltman PR in Rudolph A (Ed): Pediatrics, 16th ed., New York, Appleton-Century-Crafts, 1977 p 1111.
Source: Nathan & Oskis Hematology of Infancy & Chilhood, 5th Edition, Vol. 2, copyrighted 73, 81, 87, 93, 98 edited by David G. Nathan & Stuart H. Orkin, of Harvard Medical School

Last Updated on 5/18/99